
NETEP - European-Brazilian Network on Energy Planning is a joint research project financed by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Program (FP7), within the Marie Curie Actions International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES). The duration of this project will be three years, starting from 2nd January 2014.

The general aim of the NETEP is to create the basis for interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer on energy planning. The proposed exchange program envisages a significant contribution to the development of sustainable energy planning strategies that will support future decision making.

NETEP brings together partners having different types of expertise in the field of energy analysis and operating in four different countries: Portugal, UK, Spain and Brazil expressing different energetic metabolic patterns and different energy market structures. Staff exchange will enable partners to share knowledge on models and methodologies and on the possibility of implementing or adapting them to different energy systems. The complementary experiences of the researchers will contribute to create a solid, multidisciplinary team that can provide new inputs and enhance energy planning knowledge.

The specific objectives can be summarized as follows:

  • To analyse energy planning models and methodologies used in different countries, in different research groups and real industrial settings, e.g. factories, creating new frameworks and methodologies and recognizing the multidisciplinary characteristics of the theme.

  • To transfer knowledge between partners creating synergies between the participants with complementary research expertise, developing long term collaboration.

  • To promote early career researchers training on energy planning and sustainable energy decision making.

  • To propose measures and tools that can contribute to the reduction of the negative impacts of energy related activities.

The planned scientific research activities include 5 inter-related workpackages.