[24] Costa; I., Szklo, A., Schaeffer, R., Ferreira, P., Araújo, M., Dreyer, N. (2016) “Methodology For Hubs Placement Analysis: An Application To Portuguese Industrial CO2 Emissions”.3rd International Conference on Project Evaluation (ICOPEV), 16-17 June 2016, Guimarães, Portugal, pp 95-100.


Carbon capture and Geological storage (CCGS) is recognised as a technology capable of reducing large-scale emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is an important part of the portfolio of alternatives necessary to achieve significant reductions in the global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). As of this context where greenhouses gases constrains in Europe would come, and CCGS would be a mitigation option for GHG, it becomes necessary to develop a CO2 transport network to collect and inject it in a proper geological reservoir. Therefore, the following methodology can help to implement a pipeline network in any region in the world by doing a preliminary analysis about the best places to locate a HUB (temporary CO2 reservoir). In this paper, the demonstration of the methodology refers to Portugal’s industrial emission sources in which CCS could be implemented.

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