[18] Miranda, M., Santos, V, Giampietro, M. “Informal settlements as Socio-Ecological Systems: The metabolic pattern of the Vidigal slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil” 2nd International Conference on Energy & Environment (ICEE), 18-19 June 2015, Guimarães, Portugal. pp 135-148


This paper presents the preliminary results of a study aimed at characterizing the metabolic pattern of informal settlements (slums) in order to understand the factors affecting their interaction with the rest of the urban context and the material standard of life of their population. The study applies an innovative approach – the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism – integrating socio-economic and spatial data. The preliminary results presented include: (i) a taxonomy of categories of accounting characterizing the set of activities carried out by the residents (to which one can associate assessments of flows per hour); (ii) a taxonomy of categories of accounting of land uses characterizing the set of spatial elements making up the slum (to which one can associate assessments of flows per hectare); (iii) a set of parameters making it possible to link assessments of flows (food, energy, water, waste and money) per hour and per hectare; (iv) an analysis of the interaction of the slum with the rest of the Rio de Janeiro in terms of job commuting. The conclusion indicates directions for future research.

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